
Showing posts from March, 2012
Apply to the YouthActionNet Global Fellowship Program ! Launched in 2001 by the International Youth Foundation, YouthActionNet strengthens, supports, and celebrates the role of young people in leading positive change in their communities. Each year, 20 exceptional young social entrepreneurs are selected as YouthActionNet Global Fellows following a competitive application process. The year-long Fellowship program includes: Skill-building: A seven-day leadership retreat for twenty selected Fellows which offers dynamic peer-to-peer learning, collaboration, and sharing among young visionaries Focus on the personal growth and leadership abilities of Fellows, in addition to providing instruction in specific skills required to manage innovative, world-changing organizations Year-round learning opportunities based on Fellows' individual needs and the six dimensions of leadership highlighted in the YouthActionNet® Global Curriculum: Personal, Visionary, Political, Collaborative, Organ
Scholarship programme What is the purpose of the ESED scholarship? The purpose of the ESED scholarship is to support outstanding students pursuing advanced studies in sustainable energy development and to encourage meaningful contributions to the collective body of knowledge about this subject. The Global Sustainable Electricity Partnership considers an outstanding student to be one who: •graduates with excellent grades in the top 20% of her/his class •is determined to advance her/his knowledge and understanding •has a history of community involvement •is committed to sustainable energy •is committed to return and contribute to her/his home country Who is eligible? To be eligible to apply for this scholarship, students must •plan to undertake studies at the Masters level in areas directly related to sustainable energy development •be citizens of the developing countries and territories identified for OECD official development aid in the DAC List of ODA Recipients Wh