Through the m:lab, growth-oriented start-up enterprises in the mobile applications space have a chance to access a set of focused and inter-related business and capacity development services, designed to help them grow and compete effectively in the global market.

Young companies are particularly vulnerable during the start-up phase of operations. This vulnerability is especially pronounced in emerging markets where critical services are scarce or prohibitively expensive. m:lab's business incubation offering is for start-up firms with a mobile technology focus, specifically mobile applications. m:lab's incubation program is designed to accelerate successful development of mobile application entrepreneurs through an array of business support resources and services which include :-

•Privileged access to market research information and knowledge repositories

•Linkages with financiers for seed capital and venture capital

•Facilitated access to markets, deals and contracts

•Assistance with monetizing mobile applications

•Assistance with intellectual property and patent management

•Business management advisory services

•Business mentoring, coaching and assistance

•Networking and community building events

•Application testing and quality assurance

•Internet and data connectivity facilities

•Subsidized office space

Successful outcomes of m:lab's incubation program in the long term will be measured by :-

1.The number of firms that graduate from m:lab incubation into strong competitive and sustainable enterprises

2.The number of jobs created in East Africa by m:lab's current and past incubation clients

Considering the above desirable outcomes, the minimum period for incubation is 6 months and the maximum period is 24 months. An overview of the selection criteria for incubation clients can be found here. Currently there are 4 vacant slots for incubation.
For more information go to -


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