Graduate Research Assistantship in Geography

One NSF-funded master's level graduate research assistantship is available in the Department of Geography, Miami University beginning fall 2012 for the project 'Short Term Dynamics in Changing Environments: A Geospatial Analysis of Seasonal Forest Response and Extractive Resource Entitlements at Mt. Kasigau, Kenya' co-directed by Drs. Kim Medley and John Maingi.

As part of a collaborative research project, the selected student will focus on a past analysis of land-cover change at Mt. Kasigau and ecological change in forest community types. The GRA includes travel support for field research in Kenya. For more information, please contact Dr. John Maingi at Miami University, Department of Geography, This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it .

We seek applicants with the following skills/abilities:
  • Bachelor's degree in geography, forestry, environmental science, or a related discipline
  • Interest in remote sensing, forest ecology, and environmental change
  • Experience and/or some background in image processing and analysis
  • Ability to work independently and commitment to publish research in peer-reviewed journals
  • Proficiency with ArcGIS and/or statistical analysis software
  • Excellent written and verbal communication skills
  • Enthusiasm to conduct fieldwork in southeastern Kenya

Interested applicants should first send a cover letter that summarizes their research interests and academic and professional background, a resume/CV, copies of their transcripts (unofficial copies acceptable at this point), and names and contact information for two referees.

These materials should be emailed to This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it with the subject 'Graduate RA Application' in the subject line. Students interested should contact Dr.Maingi as soon as possible, but no later than January 18, 2012.

Once an applicant is selected for the assistantship, instructions will be provided for the formal application process to the Department of Geography and Miami University Graduate School.


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